Here are a few fun Aliases for mIRC v5.31 you can cut and paste into your alias file. Lines that need to be typed in an Edit box, but which are not aliases are in Blue. A few lines of Script are thrown in for adding fun too.
In a channel with 5 or more people, make the nicknames in the
nickname list flash in multi colour.
Paste the 3 aliases below to your alias
file and type /cf in any window in mIRC to start the effect
and ttype /cfoff to stop it.
/cf set %colfun.chan # | /.timerColFun -m 0 10 colfun
/colfun /if (%colfun.chan != #) { unset %colfun.chan |
timerColFun off } | else { cline $rand(2,14) %colfun.chan
$nick(%colfun.chan,$rand(1,$nick(%colfun.chan,0))) }
/cfoff /timerColFun off
Here is a simple alias to make a window with an Edit box and a
List box. Paste the alias below to your alias file and type /cwin1 in any window in mIRC to open the Custom Window.
To add a line to the custom window you need to type: /aline @win1 Your line
and to add a line to the list box you need to type: /aline -l @win1 Your line
Entries into the Custom Window and the List box will be
alphabetical in order.
If you put the Script line below it into your Remotes file, then any entry into the @win1 Custom Window Edit box starting with a slash / typed into the Custom Window will go into the list box on the right. Entries into the list box will also be in alphabetical order. All entries caught by the remote will give each entry a random colour too. It's surprising how difficult it is to understand the help files on custom windows.
/cwin1 /window -l10bes @win1 397 183 232 176 @win1 Ariel 11
on 1:input:@win1:if ($left($1,1) ==
/) { aline -l $rand(1,15) @win1 $right($1-,$calc($len($1-) - 1 ))
} | else { aline $rand(1,15) @win1 $1- } | halt
So, Have you ever wanted to join a channel with a channel name
that was in colour ? Here is one that I use when i feel like some
colour. #rainbow
Paste the alias below to your alias file and type /rain in any window
in mIRC to join the channel.
/rain /join
Here is a useful one. I use it when i want to find a file and
echo the filename with the full path to the screen so I can copy
and paste it. This simple alias lets you look anywhere in your
all your Disks.
Paste the alias below to your alias file
and type /ff ( Fast Find ) in any window in mIRC to have the
file you're looking for displayed with it's full path.
/ff echo 4 -a $dir="Please Choose One" $mircdir*.*
One of the most useful bunch of aliases you can build are to join your regular channels. Say your channel name with the bot X to which you have access is #ABC. You make an alias called /abc so that whenever you want to join your channel and become op you simply type /abc. I have done the same for channel say #XYZ with bot W.
In these examples below you need to modify /ABC and #abc, /XYZ and #xyz, and password and replace them with your own requirements.
/join #abc | /msg [email protected] login #abc password |
.timer 1 5 msg x op #abc $me
/join #xyz | /msg [email protected] login #xyz password |
.timer 1 5 msg w op #xyz $me
Here is an alias i picked up a long time ago that was fun. It makes it appear that your printer ( or keyboard ) ink is running out. Paste the alias below to your alias file and type /pi Help, my keyboard ink is running out in any window in mIRC except the Status window and watch what happens.
/pi { set %pi *1 | %pi = $replace(%pi,a,15a) | %pi =
$replace(%pi,b,15b) | %pi = $replace(%pi,c,1c)
%pi = $replace(%pi,d,14d) | %pi = $replace(%pi,e,15e) |
%pi = $replace(%pi,f,15f) | %pi = $replace(%pi,g,14g)
%pi = $replace(%pi,h,15h) | %pi = $replace(%pi,i,1i) |
%pi = $replace(%pi,j,15j) | %pi = $replace(%pi,k,14k)
%pi = $replace(%pi,l,14l) | %pi = $replace(%pi,m,15m) |
%pi = $replace(%pi,n,14n) | %pi = $replace(%pi,o,1o)
%pi = $replace(%pi,p,14p) | %pi = $replace(%pi,q,15q) |
%pi = $replace(%pi,r,15r) | %pi = $replace(%pi,s,14s)
%pi = $replace(%pi,t,14t) | %pi = $replace(%pi,u,15u) |
%pi = $replace(%pi,v,15v) | %pi = $replace(%pi,w,15w)
%pi = $replace(%pi,x,15x) | %pi = $replace(%pi,y,14y) |
%pi = $replace(%pi,z,15z) | say %pi | unset %pi
This is a nice little alias that i use often to Echo out all
the availbale characters, which i then chose the ones i need and
copy and paste them. One strange thing about mIRC is that it
needs a minimum of 2 characters selected to copy from within a
channel window, so don't even bother trying to copy just one
character to the clipboard.
Paste the alias below to your alias file
and type /all in any window in mIRC, and all the available
characters will be ECHO'ed to the screen. Only you can see them,
no one else.
/all { /set %all.n 33 | unset %all.c | unset
:all | set %all.c %all.c $+ $chr(%all.n) | inc %all.n 1 | if
(%all.n < 256) { goto all } | echo -a %all.c
Someone special told me they liked this line of mine so here
it is for you.
Paste the alias below to your alias file
and type /line in any window in mIRC except the Status window,
and enjoy the colourful line.
/line /say
Another nice alias to give random colours to your text like a rainbow. Real easy to use. Paste the alias below to your alias file and type /ccc Look at my lovely colours. in any window in mIRC except the Status window and watch what happens.
/ccc {
unset %textfinal | set %rainbow *1 | set %text.change 0 |
:beginning | inc %text.change
if %text.change > $len(%rainbow) goto end | set %rand1
$rand(1,15) | set %text2add $+ %rand1 $+
$mid(%text.change,1,%rainbow) $+
if (%text.change == 1) { set %textfinal %text2add } | else set
%textfinal %textfinal $+ %text2add | goto beginning
:end | msg $chan %textfinal
I Don't know why I forgot to include these aliases which I use so often !
/f2 /set -q %PicVar $hfile="Select a pic to view"
C:\mirc\views\*.jpg | /run c:\windows\viewer.exe %PicVar
/sf2 /set -q %PicVar $hfile="Select a pic to view"
C:\mirc\views\*.* | /run C:\psp\Paint Shop Pro\Psp.exe %PicVar
/f3 /set -q %SoundVar $hfile="Select a wav to play"
C:\mirc\wavs\*.wav | /sound # %SoundVar Now playing
/sf3 /set -q %SoundVar $file="Select a midi to play"
C:\mirc\wavs\*.mid | /sound # %SoundVar Now playing %SoundVar
/F4 /play $file C:\mirc\play\*.txt 2000
/sF4 /play $file C:\mirc\melscri3\*.txt 2000
/f5 /me is free
/sf5 /me is always free
/cf5 /me shall always be free
/f6 /run c:\editpad\editpad
/f7 RUN NOTEPAD.EXE $file C:\mirc\*.txt
/sf7 RUN NOTEPAD.EXE $file C:\mirc\*.ini
/cf7 RUN NOTEPAD.EXE $dir C:\mirc\*.*
/f9 say $read c:\mirc\addicted.txt
/cf9 say $read c:\mirc\lamerif.txt
/sf9 say $read c:\mirc\pickup.txt
/af9 say $read c:\mirc\badday.txt
/f10 /me is a - then put in your 100% male Indian Pedigree living
in Dubai
/sf1 /say used Shift+F1 to say this
/cf1 /say I used CTRL+F1 to say this
These aliases were given to me my Breadball (undernet) and they are weirdly interesting. You screen will freeze for about a minute while a picture draws itself to a custom window. Paste the aliases below to your alias file and type /henon in any window in mIRC, and this picture will unfold before your eyes. Also try the other aliasses /malflux and /malfluxd for other images. Only you can see the picture, no one else.
/henon { window -ap @HenonCurve 30 30 217 217 | clear @HenonCurve
%dx = 0 | %dy = 0 | %i = 0 | :h | %x = $calc((%dy + 1) - (1.4 *
(%dx * %dx)))
%y = %dx * 0.3
drawdot @HenonCurve 1 1 $calc(%x * 200 / 3 + 100) $calc(%y * 200
+ 200 / 2)
%dx = %x | %dy = %y | inc %i | if (%i < 3000) { goto h }
/malflux { window -ap @MalthusianFlux 60 60 217 217 | %r = 2.3 |
:mf | %p = 0.1 | %i = 0 | :cr
%dp = %p | %p = $calc(%r * %dp * (1 - %dp))
drawdot @MalthusianFlux 1 1 $calc(%dp * 200) $calc(200 - (%p *
inc %i | if (%i < 100) { goto cr } | %r = %r + 0.01 | if (%r
< 3.8) { goto mf }
/malfluxd { window -ap @MalthusianFluxD 90 90 217 217 | %r = 2.3
| :mf | %p = 0.1 | %i = 0 | :cr
%dp = %p | %p = $calc(%r * %dp * (1 - %dp)) | %x = %p - %dp
drawdot @MalthusianFluxD 1 1 $calc((%x * 100) + 100) $calc(80 -
(%y * 100))
%y = %x | inc %i | if (%i < 100) { goto cr } | %r = %r + 0.01
| if (%r < 3.8) { goto mf }
I'm Brave. Take me straight to the Scripts page.
Last updated on June 3rd 1998